Comment text here/p>
Markup on kaunis asia, ja se on varmasti muuttunut vuosien varrella. Mikä oli tehokkaasti HTML1, on varmasti edennyt hämmästyttävään semanttiseen merkintäkieliin, johon voimme suuresti kiittää W3C: stä. Ja mitä tiedät, seuraava asia kiittää heitä on tullut - HTML5.
Toisin kuin aikaisempi HTML-versio, jossa koodi oli enimmäkseen rajoitettu rakenne, joka määritettiin, miten käytit luokan ja ID-elementtejä, html5 todella yrittää tarjota paljon enemmän rakennetta.
Kaikki ulkoasu voidaan luoda semanttisilla tunnisteilla ja elementeillä, jotka määrittävät, miten rakenteen tulisi olla ja joka todennäköisesti tärkeämpää, joka auttaa sinua jäsentämään jokaisen sivun. Tämä tuottaa koodia, joka on paljon puhtaampaa ja luettavaa kuin aiemmissa HTML-versioissa, ja todella on jotain aivan mahtavaa. Uudet tunnisteet todella edellyttävät, että ajattelet, miten jäsennät sivusi, joten olkaamme rehellisiä - loppujen lopuksi meille on hieno tekijä web-suunnittelijoille ja kehittäjille.
Ennen kuin ymmärrät HTML5: n rakenteen ja kuinka luodaan ja koodataan esimerkkipohjasi käytettäväksi projekteihisi, sinun tulisi olla tietoinen siitä, miten se syntyi. Huomaa kuitenkin, että HTML5: n nykyinen versio ei ole saavuttanut versiota, jota W3C voisi vielä kutsua lopulliseksi, mutta heidän on melko paljon oppia ja alkaa käyttää koodia juuri nyt. Tässä on, mitä W3C: lla on sanottavaa tässä asiassa:
"Täyttäjien tulisi olla tietoisia siitä, että tämä määrittely ei ole vakaa. Sovittelijat, jotka eivät osallistu keskusteluihin, todennäköisesti löytävät eritelmän, joka muuttuu niiden alle yhteensopimattomalla tavalla. Toimittajat, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita tämän eritelmän käyttöönotosta ennen kuin hän saavuttaa ehdokasvalmisteluvaiheen, tulisi liittyä edellä mainittuihin postituslistoihin ja osallistua keskustelut .”
Mutta älä anna sen pelotella sinua. On aina olemassa ihmisiä jatkuvasti varmistaen, että se ei muutu pois kaikkien meistä. Joten varmasti tiedätte, jos tällainen dramaattinen muutos todella tapahtuu. Takaisin aiheeseen, yksi tärkeimmistä ihmisten HTML5-kysymyksistä on "
Se tuli todellakin meiltä kaikille. Vuonna 2005 Google suoritti tutkimus yli 3 miljardin verkkosivuston ja totesi, että yleisimpiä luokkia, joita käytetään yhteisessä merkinnöissä, olivat itse asiassa mitä näet sivulla. Alatunniste, valikko, otsikko, pieni teksti, sisältö, otsikko ja nav ovat kaikki suosituimmuussarjan kärki. Ja juuri näin W3C päätti mitä käyttää uusiin semanttisiin tunnisteisiin HTML5: lle. Nyt kun tiedämme, suvahdo suoraan siihen, mitkä tagit ovat ja HTML5: n perustavanlaatuiset perusmuutokset.
Dokumenttityyppi ei ole erityisesti HTML-elementti, mutta se on hidastuvuus, ja se on tullut yhä tärkeämmäksi ajan myötä. Käyttämällä jotain sopivaa voi auttaa selaimesi ymmärtämään, millainen HTML se yrittää jäsentää, joten haluamme aina käyttää sopivia tyyppejä. Kaikella rehellisyydellä tällä hetkellä voit melkein vain käyttää HTML5-tyyppistä kaiken - mutta katetaan myös aiemmat. Tässä me olemme tulleet yksinkertaisuuden vuoksi:
Melko hieno? Sinun ei tarvitse säilyttää asiakirjaa kopioimiseksi ja liittämiseksi jonkinlaisen naurettavan pitkään dokumentointiin tai vielä pahempaa, yritä muistaa aikaisempien versioiden naurettavan pitkät doktityypit. HTML5: n tarvitsee vain kirjoittaa . Ah, mikä helpotus.
Ennen kuin poistut tästä osasta, käy läpi joitain muita elementtejä, jotka ovat yksinkertaisempia. Juurielementtiä on yksinkertaistettu, ja sen sijaan, että kirjoittaisi jotain:
Voimme vain kirjoittaa:
Asioita, jotka meidän on kopioitava ja liimattava pienempiä ja pienempiä minuutteina. Esimerkiksi myös pääelementissä hahmomoodaus meni sellaisista asioista kuin:
uudempaan versioon HTML5:
Ja lopuksi, linkit ovat pudonneet tyypin ominaisuutensa. Joten esimerkiksi:
Tästä tulee:
Osa-elementti on periaatteessa mikä tahansa HTML-asiakirjan yleinen osa. Tyypillisimmin se on kuitenkin temaattinen sisällön ryhmittely - jolla voi olla otsikko, mutta se ei vaadi sitä.
Yleinen peukalosääntö käyttämään osion otsikkoa käyttää sitä vain, jos se mainitaan nimenomaisesti asiakirjan ääriviivoissa. Jos ääriviivassa oli "osio", johon viitattiin tai tuntuu, että koko alueen sisältö on eräänlainen "osa" - sisällytetään sen jälkeen leikkausmerkki. Jos haluat käyttää sitä pääasiassa styling tarkoituksiin, älä vain . Käytä sen sijaan a
"Nav" -elementti edustaa mitä tahansa sivun osaa, joka linkittää kyseisen sivun muihin osiin tai muihin sivuihin sivustokartassa. Aina kun ajattelet navigointi linkkejä, sinun pitäisi ajatella "nav tag".
Nav-elementti on tarkoitettu erityisesti suurempien navigointiblokkien käyttöön. Kaikki suuret elementit, jotka linkittävät sivuston sivun muihin osiin tai muihin sivuston sivuihin. Muista kuitenkin, että navigointiosion ei tarvitse olla luettelon muodossa, vaikkakin se on melko vakio. Se voi olla proosissa, kappalekoodeissa tai melko paljon - niin kauan kuin se oli alunperin sopiva olla tällaisissa tunnisteissa.
Artikkelin elementti edustaa itsenäistä kokoonpanoa dokumentissa, sivussa tai missä tahansa sivustossa. Todella tärkeä asia pitää mielessä artikkelitunnisteita, että se on tyypillisesti itsenäisesti jakeltavissa tai uudelleenkäytettävissä oleva sisältö on tavallisesti sijoitettu tunnisteisiin. Se voi olla foorumi, lehden tai sanomalehden artikkeli tai blogimerkintä, jopa kommentteja - niin kauan kuin se on riippumaton sisältö.
Artikkeleissa voi olla "osia" sisällä, "otsikko" sisällä, jopa "hgroup" s sisällä. Mutta pidä mielessä, milloin ja miten käytät tätä elementtiä, koska se ei ole aivan yhtä yleistä kuin a
Let's hypätä esimerkkinä. Oletetaan esimerkiksi, että sinulla on joitakin kommentteja sisältävä blogiviesti. Voit tehdä tämän esimerkiksi HTML5:
The Blog Entry Title
Blog entry
Comment text here/p>
Another comment here
Sivustoelementti edustaa jokaista sivun osaa, joka koostuu sisällöstä, joka on tangentiaalisesti sidoksissa syrjään elementin ympärille. Tärkein asia muistaa tämän tunnisteen kanssa on se, että vaikka se on sisällöltään tangentiaalisesti sidoksissa sisällön ympärillä olevaan sisältöön, se on tyypillisesti tieto tai sisältö, joka on erotettu ominaisuuksiltaan. Käytät sitä useimmiten sivupalkkeissa, sillä useimmat sivupalkit ovat täydellisiä, jotta ne kääritään kokonaan sivutunnisteisiin. Muihin käyttötarkoituksiin voi sisältyä vetoketjuja, mainosten bittiä, nav-linkkien ryhmiä tai jopa osoitetietoja kyseisen paikan lähellä.
Jotta pääset tarkemmin, se on aina, kun tunnet tarvetta kirjaimellisesti ottaa sivuun ja selittää, viitata, mainita, tilata tai kysyä jotain. Voit jopa käyttää syrjään elementtiä suuremmalle osalle sivustosta, kuten sivupalkista Twitterissä tai Facebookissa tai satunnaisissa linkkeissä. Saatat olla se syrjään, käytä sen otsikkoa ja nav-osaa jopa auttaaksesi ymmärtämään, mitä siellä tapahtuu. Voit käyttää sitä blogin viestien alaosassa, jossa viitataan niihin, tai melko missä tahansa, missä sitä voidaan toteuttaa täydellisesti.
Hgroup-elementti edustaa osan otsikkoa. Tätä elementtiä käytetään parhaiten ryhmitellä joukko h1-h6-elementtejä, kun otsikossa on useita tasoja tai alanimikkeitä - kuten juuri lukemasi artikkeli. Tämä olisi täydellinen hgroupille. Voit myös käyttää sitä vaihtoehtoisiin nimikkeisiin tai tunnisteisiin.
W3C muistuttaa meitä:
"Hgroup-elementtien teksti määritellään asiakirjojen yhteenvetoihin, ääriviivoihin ja vastaaviin hgroup-elementin korkeimman h1-h6-elementin jälkeläisen tekstiksi, jos tällaisia elementtejä on olemassa ja ensimmäiset tällaiset elementit elementti, jos kyseisellä asteella on useita elementtejä. Jos tällaisia elementtejä ei ole, niin hgroup-elementin teksti on tyhjä merkkijono.
Muita käyttötarkoituksia ovat esimerkiksi blogin alueet, joissa luetat blogikirjasi otsikon ja tekstityksen. Voit myös käyttää sitä kirjan otsikoissa ja kuvauksissa, listata lääkäreitä alueellasi ja osaamisalueesi tai jopa käyttää sitä, jotta voit toistaa taulukon toimivuutta. Katsotaan nyt tällaista esimerkkiä. Pöydällä meillä olisi:
Doctor Name:
Randy McDocterson
Doctor Specialty
Slapping People
Joten sinä voit selvästi nähdä merkinnöissä, että meillä on lääkäri nimeltä Randy McDoctoerson, joka erikoisuus taputtaa ihmisiä. Nyt se on hieman outoa, mutta hei - se saa paikan.
Ylätunniste edustaa mitä tahansa aloitus- tai navigointiapuryhmää sivustossa tai sivuston osissa. Joten nyt, kun muodollinen määrittely on todettu, hajottakaamme sen hieman. Me kaikki tiedämme, mitä otsikko on, mutta tarkalleen se sisältää useita asioita useimpien sivustojen yläosassa. Nämä otsakkeen alueet sisältävät yleensä brändäysosat, toimintapyynnön kohteet ja ehkä jonkin verran navigointiin. Todella sitä voidaan käyttää missä tahansa paikassa, johon kirjoitit:
Huomaa: sitä voi käyttää missä tahansa lehden aloitusalueella, koska sen ei tarvitse olla HTML-asiakirjan yläosassa tai alussa. Mutta se on silloin, kun se tyypillisesti toteutetaan.
Jalkaelementti edustaa alatunnistetta lähimmälle vierekkäiselle vanhemman osalle ja sisältää tyypillisesti tietoja vanhempien osastosta. Jalkatunniste on hyvin samanlainen kuin otsikkotunniste, mutta sivun vastakkaiselle osalle. Usein kerralla näet alatunnisteen sivun, joka sisältää uudelleen linkkejä, jotka olivat navigoinnissa, ja ehkä logo tai muuta sellaista - kaikki nämä voidaan nyt sijoittaa
Joitakin tekstiä täällä.
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5 The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
HTML5 Template
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
HTML5 Template
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
HTML5 Template The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
HTML5 Template Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
Ja siellä mennään, olemme lisänneet jonkin verran navigointia mukavalla järjestämättömällä luettelolla siellä yläosassa. Mutta odota hetki. Mitä jos sinulla on mukava iso alatunniste ja haluat samoja navigaattorielementtejä myös alatunnistimessa. Lisätään se myös. Paitsi, tällä kertaa emme käytä sitä
HTML5 Template Tietoja HTML5: stäLisää nyt muutamia bittejä IE: lle ja muita tällaisia teknisiä ominaisuuksia.
HTML5 Template HTML5-mallipohja
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Ja siellä meillä on se: yksinkertainen mutta täydellinen HTML5-malli!
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